
Friday, September 7, 2018

Describing your why ?

Yarn by Destiny

Yarn by Destiny

- When you see and touch that luxurious fleece - over and over again - When you use the word scintillating to describe suri yarn your herd produced - When you can't stop looking at and feeling your harvest - When you can't wait to wear some of your alpaca wear - When you can't wait to share some of your alpaca wear - When you are utterly impressed by the creative items that can be produced - When you are ecstatic over a confirmed pregnancy after many attempts - When you rejoice over every newborn baby - When you water in blazing heat or trudge through mud, snow, wind & rain for their care - When you cancel concerts and special events to feed a struggling newborn - When go to great lengths for good hay - When you work extra to feed your fleece family - When you will sell treasures to pay a vet bill - When you spend countless time, energy and resources to serve and host special ranch events - When you are up till the wee hours of the night "crafting" - When you spread a fleece or project across the dining room table - When your house is packed with all kinds of alpaca related things - When you buy nearly any alpaca merchandise you see ie; table runners to toilet brush holders - When you set your alarm for every one to two hours around the clock to bottle feed - When you have a bad day and find comfort in their soft hum or silly antics - When you mourn so painfully deep over their injury or loss that you can hardly breathe - When you spend countless hours searching for that special alpaca - When you spend your vacation days traveling the country to shows - When you have to watch your conversation in public because you realize it sounds inappropriate - When you exercise muscles you didn't know you had on shearing day & get up early to do more - When you have a phone full of pictures & videos of your fleece faces, including alpaca porn - When you speak alpaca and are happy when others speak alpaca - When you are happy when someone else joins the herd whether people or alpaca - When they are all your favorites - When you have seller's remorse with nearly every sale - When you get doused by bodily fluids, kicked, jumped, stomped and you carry on - When you get a black eye, broken bones, abrasions, bumps and barely remember how - When you have barn hair and you don't care - When you use words to describe them as "soul soothers" - When you claim to live at the happiest pasture on earth - When you can hardly describe the feeling you get when you hug or better yet, get greeted by a nose kiss Pacas are your passion
barn hair don't care

barn hair don't care