Wednesday, September 23, 2015
say hello to my little friend
I just recently read something about vitamin F – It caught my attention so I thought I’d write a quick little blog on the benefits of it. Vitamin F is probably the most awesome supplement out there! Realizing that there may be many people out there who are suffering from various ailments, life stressors, work, illness, finances, fragmented families, those who don’t have children, while others who have extremely challenging children. Benefits of Vitamin F may be very vital to your well being. That “F” supplement is “friends.”
You can read articles, even scientific studies or you may just be aware of the many benefits of friends. Some friends you make fast and some are slow to get to know. You may consider a good friend in human form and some may be four-legged, covered with feathers, fur or fleece. (gee I guess the human ones could be that too LOL) Really one of the most fascinating and fulfilling things on earth is what a true friend can do for your inner most being. Times that they offer comfort or support when times are tough. Those that help support either in action, word or just lending an ear. A lot of the times they just make you feel better by just being nearby. You may see some on a regular basis or might not see others for great lengths of time, but some how you can just pick up where you last left off. A friend you can trust, depend upon, a friend until the end. Let’s not forget about the friends that just have the gift of making us laugh. Being around them is true joy regardless of the activity. Yet even a good friend can deliver a kick in the butt if warranted. What are friends for? One who actually shared that embarrassing moment. Not to mention that ONE crazy friend... (My last picture choice could make me a contender)
Whether it be relationships formed through a common geographical location or interest. It is a gift to be treasured, not taken for granted but nurtured and sustained. I am increasingly aware and thankful for our growing number of friends in our alpaca community. Whether it be our connection through traveling to shows or ranch visits, the sale of an animal or connecting on social media. They all have an integral place. Especially those extra hands that come along when you are tired, struggling with an unruly animal or worse, the pain and suffering at the loss of one. Bearing one another’s burdens can make the stressors of life more bearable.
I encourage you to take a moment today to think about your friends. Maybe connect with one you haven’t talked to in a while, offer support to one that is struggling with life circumstances. Get to know a friend better or go out and make some new ones. Thank someone for being a friend.
National Alpaca Day is coming this weekend – we hope to recruit some friends as helpers, work isn’t really just work if you consider you are spending time with friends. Gather up a friend and attend. Hug a fleecy one!
Celebrate today and try adding more Vitamin F - it may even be okay with your doctor if you get an overdose of it!
p.s. It really isn't a sales tactic - Alpacas really need to be with other alpaca friends, their livelihood depends upon it.
friends you meet long the journey
close friends
friends bring you things you like to help make you happy
friends sharing a pen & pregnancy