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Sire: London Dairy Ra1
alpaca for sale cleanliness is over-rated

alpaca for sale Sparkle and Sparky

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alpaca for sale newborn picture photo credit Astrid Greve


Spark of Splendor (Sparky)

D.O.B. 2/20/2016

Huacaya, Male, Unproven | Beige

Sire: LondonDairy Ra 1 | ARI# 31790536  | Medium Fawn 
Dam: Samaurai's Sparkle | ARI# 32190403  | White 

His dam's name is Sparkle since she was born on the 4th of July and I was told the running joke was the only thing that Sparkles on her is her personality because she loves the dirt. The name Sparky just came to me since he looks like a spark off the old block. The two of them were immediately standouts in the pasture.

Spark of splendor, obviously from his newborn photo just has the cute factor. (even dirty LOL) It isn't just that we think he is cute, he has been featured multiple times on Mazuri feed site. He loves those Mazuri alpaca pellets!

Both of his parents have exceptionally cute faces with a friendly demeanor. Cute isn't all they offer. Both have noteable pedigrees and nice fleece characteristics.

We entered Sparky in a fleece show and the judge remarked that Sparky has very nice fine, uniform fleece with good brightness. He was not dense enough for breeding & his prior owner gelded him. This should keep his fleece & disposition nice - He is also a nice color for those wanting a fiber herd, as you can blend or dye it with nearly any color. Yet on the other hand, he also would make a backyard pet because he is sweet.

Contact us if you are interested in meeting him!

Updated 9/18/2017